Dr. Xiaoqing Hu

时间: 2015-06-24 16:00 - 18:00

地点: Wang Kezhen Building, 1113

Can we gain access to someone's sleep to change their memories and beliefs? Recent research from cognitive neuroscience suggests this is no longer a fantasy, and I will present research on sleep and off-line memory processing to answer this intriguing question.

Although it is widely acknowledged that sleep can stabilize and strengthen recent learning and memories, until recently researchers start to directly manipulate off-line memory processing during sleep. So far evidence suggests that during sleep, people can either (i) boost desirable memories and (ii) get over painful memories. I will also present new findings that during sleep, people can even weaken their long-lasting attitudes and beliefs, such as implicit racial biases and gender stereotypes. Implications and future directions are discussed.

